Yong Lin 

Postdoctoral Fellow

Princeton Language and Intellegence
New Jersey

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E-mail: yl7690 [at] princeton [dot] edu

Short Bio

I am a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton, jointly hosted by Princeton Language and Intelligence and Chi Jin. I did my PhD study in Tong Zhang's group at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).

My research focuses on the trustworthiness and applications of machine learning. Key areas of interest include:

Before starting my PhD studies, I served as a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Alibaba, a prominent company in China (which open-sourced Qwen series models). I experienced firsthand the impressive capabilities of machine learning and developed industrial-level applications. Concurrently, I gained insights into the inherent challenges and instability of deep models in industrial settings.

I won the Outstanding Paper Award of NAACL (2024). I was also an awardee of Apple AI/ML PhD fellowship (2023) and Hong Kong PhD fellowship (2020).

Selected Papers

(* denotes equal contribution.)

Selected Awards
